Learner Centered Instruction Wikia


- What is learner centered instruction?

It focuses on students learning. The the active learning emphasizes in students being able to solve problems, answer and formulate questions of their own. They are able to debate,explain and discuss their way of understanding things. In cooperative learning students work in teams on problems and projects under conditions that encourages interdependence and individual responsibility.

- What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

Teachers supply diferent learning styles according to students`needs. Helps students to see the importance of learning. Ulilizes multiple teaching tecniques appropriate for student learning goals. Designd activities where students interact with the material, the teacher and classmates.

- Explain the four key principles of student centered learning.

First learning is personalized, this means that teachers should know each students needs and know how they are developing.

Second, learning is competency- based. Students can preceed in their own pace. Teachers respond to individual needs, interest and challenges.

Third. Learning happens anywhere, anytime. Ss will make important discovery about themselves and the world around. So if we take them to the zoo they will learn, and if I take them to the beach they will so learn.

Fourth. Students take ownership. Students play a direct role in their own success. They empower with the process.



- What is learner centered instruction?

It focuses on students learning. The the active learning emphasizes in students being able to solve problems, answer and formulate questions of their own. They are able to debate,explain and discuss their way of understanding things. In cooperative learning students work in teams on problems and projects under conditions that encourages interdependence and individual responsibility.

- What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

Teachers supply diferent learning styles according to students`needs. Helps students to see the importance of learning. Ulilizes multiple teaching tecniques appropriate for student learning goals. Designd activities where students interact with the material, the teacher and classmates.

- Explain the four key principles of student centered learning.

First learning is personalized, this means that teachers should know each students needs and know how they are developing.

Second, learning is competency- based. Students can preceed in their own pace. Teachers respond to individual needs, interest and challenges.

Third. Learning happens anywhere, anytime. Ss will make important discovery about themselves and the world around. So if we take them to the zoo they will learn, and if I take them to the beach they will so learn.

Fourth. Students take ownership. Students play a direct role in their own success. They empower with the process.


Sonia Torres


What is learner centered instruction?

It is a group of methodologies where the learning is focused in the student and his/her process and also it stimulate students to be part and must be responsible of their own learning and get confidence to use the language.

What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

According to the learner centered instruction the teacher is a facilitator who provides students of tools and activities for the process and also the teacher has to recognize the progress of his/her student.

Explain the 4 key principles of student centered learning.

The first one is personal learning, it refers that the learning must be personalized. The second is Competency, so it explains that the leaning is based in competences. The Third  is Learning never stops, it says that the learning can happen at anytime and anywhere, and the last one, Student's ownership, refers to students have to take ownership.

LEARNER CENTER INSTRUCTION APPROACH The video shows how to Learner Center Instruction approach supports teachers in order to get meaninful learning. Students become the center of teaching and learning process. Thelesson plan addresses individual needs, encourged to learn as a result students feel confidence and want to learn more.

a. What is learner centered instruction (LCI)?

It is an approach that helps teacher to get successful in teaching and learning process, Students are the center of the teaching,

b. What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

Teachers become a facilitator and plan classroom activities according students' needs.

c. Explain the 4 key principles of student centered learning.

the first key is personalize, it means that teachers must take care about individual needs and multiple intelligences, teachers should know each students. Second, learning is based in competency, because students need to develop skills in order to be successful. Third , learning happens anytime and anywhere, teachers should motivate students to learn inside or outside classroom. Finally, students are be able to learn in an active way. They are capable to understand the curriculum and find more information.


Learner Centered Instruction:

a. What is learner centered instruction (LCI)?

In my opinión, it´s a group of methodologies that are focused to students that are worried about their own learning process but they need to be encouraged or guided during this process

b. What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

I think the role of a teacher is to engage the students learn by themselves. This teacher becomes the best tool because h/she has to motivate or encourage the students´learning process.

c. The 4 key principles of student centered learning

1. Learning is personalized: It happens when the teachers know the students about their weaknessess or strengths. The teacher knows about the knowlegde of students.

2. Learning is competency based: It is related to every students´avilities and skills development to face the real life and solve their necessities.

3. Learning happens anytime anywhere: It isn´t necessary to be inside the classroom to learn, nowadays learning process occurs anytime and anywhere outside the classroom.

4. Students take ownership: So teachers and students  make a decisión about the learning process, both are important but students take the most important decisión in their own learning process.

Written by Angel Pérez Narváez

What is a learner centered instruction?

It is a new framework of learning that points out that students’ skills as well as their interests are the core of the classroom. The role of the teacher is to look for engaging activities in order to   motive students to be the builders of their own process of teaching-learning as a consequence   learners will be successful ones.  The principles of student centered learning are: First, learning is personalized, so it is necessary to take into consideration   students as individuals with their own strengths and weakness. Second, learning is competency-based, it means that each student is capable of   mastering skills based on his or her necessities. Third, pupils are discoverers   of the knowledge anytime, anywhere.  Fourth, students take a principal role in the teaching-learning process so they are responsible for their learning while the teacher is a guide a motivator.

Written by  Aleida Monserrat Alvarracin  Alvarez


1.      What is learner centered instruction (LCI)?

Learner Center Instructions is an approach that focuses on students’ performance in their learning.  To succeed with it, the contents, methods, strategies, activities, materials have to be chosen taking into consideration students’ individualities, needs, and pace of learning. Additionally, motivation will contribute to have students’ active participation in class. The teacher has a very dynamic role; he is the facilitator of students’ learning providing a variety of sources to make students fulfill their learning goals.

      2.      What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

In this process, the teacher has to value more students’ formative performance, providing permanent feedback to reinforce their knowledge. The key point of this approach is the developing of learners’ skills, creating independent learners who can feel motivated to continue learning.===

     3.       Explain the 4 key principles of student centered learning.

The 4 key principles of student centered learning are the following:  First, learning is personalized, this means that the teacher analyzes the group of students he works with and identify learners’ needs, so he plans the classes based on their individualities.  As a result learners are given excellent opportunities to have a meaningful learning.  Second, Learning is competency-based; this has to be with the information and skills that students have mastered .  Teachers respond to learners’ needs. Third, learning happens anytime and anywhere;  students realize that they can not only learn in the class, but in any place; so the teacher motivates  them continue learning inside and outside the class.  He can provide good learning sourcesfor this purpose. Finally, students take ownership of their learning; they have to learn the language to use it when they need to, it means for communicative purposes. 

Written by Paulina Altamirano C.

<hero description="In student centered learning the instruction focuses on the learner and the learning process. The teacher creates a learning environment that resembles as much as possible the one in which students learned their first language. Students become part of the learning process by establishing learning goals, developing and choosing learning strategies, and evaluating their own progress. Learner-centered instruction encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning, and helps them gain confidence in their ability to learn and use the language. Teachers support students by devoting some class time to non-traditional activities, including teaching students how to use learning strategies, motivating them, using available tools and resources, and helping them to reflect on their own learning. " imagename="" cropposition=""></hero>

to the Learner Centered Instruction Wikia

In student centered learning the instruction focuses on the learner and the learning process. The teacher creates a learning environment that resembles as much as possible the one in which students learned their first language. Students become part of the learning process by establishing learning goals, developing and choosing learning strategies, and evaluating their own progress. Learner-centered instruction encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning, and helps them gain confidence in their ability to learn and use the language. Teachers support students by devoting some class time to non-traditional activities, including teaching students how to use learning strategies, motivating them, using available tools and resources, and helping them to reflect on their own learning.

Learner Centered Instruction

It is the process that promotes student's learning by incorporating their interests, expectations and goals inside the development of their competencies, so they can feel confident and engage to personalize and apply effective strategies in order to take responsabilitiy and evaluate their learning.

Teacher's role in the Learner Centered Instruction

The role of the teacher is to help students learn by themselves. By supporting and motivating student's work, the teacher becomes a facilitator of tools and activities that emphasize and supports students' learning process.

Four key principles of Student Centered Learner

  1. Personal Learning.- Teachers should know students' weaknesses and strengths to identify where they are in their learning.
  2. Competency.- Learning is related to every students' abilities and skills development, so they will be able to master them in their real life in order to respond to their individual needs and challenges.
  3. Learning never stops.- Students are able to learn anytime, anywhere, due to the fact that they discover something interesting to learn in and outside the classroom everyday.
  4. Student's ownership.- It is important for teachers to take desitions with and for students, because they play a vital part in their learning for their success.

Commented by: Sandra Cola


What is learner centered instruction?

It is a group of methodologies in which the student and the student's learning process take priority.

What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

The teacher's role is to help students learn by themselves. By supporting and motivating student's work, the teacher becomes a facilitator of tools and activities that emphasize and supports students' learning process.

Explain the 4 key principles of student centered learning.

  1. Personalized learning: by knowing each of the students the teacher can provide different tools that match the student's different skills.
  2. Competency: Instead of sticking to a curriculum the teacher focuses on developing students' knowledge and skills at their own pace.
  3. Learning never stops: show students that every environment is full of knowledge.
  4. Student's ownership: the teacher provides the tools to facilitated student's learning, but it is the student who is responsible for his/her developing knowledge.

What is the learner-centered instruction?

It is a group of methodologies that are focused on the students' learning process so it stimulates students to be part and must be responsible their own learning and get the confidence to use the language.

What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

The teacher becomes a facilitator that supports students' learning using tools and activities for this process to motivate them to continue their work.

Explain the 4 key principles of student-centered learning.

  • Personal learning: the learning is personalized giving them the specific tools and activities.
  • Competency: the learning is according to competencies.
  • Learning never stops: the learning takes part at anytime and anywhere.
  • Student's ownership: the student is responsible on their own language.




1.   What is learner centered instruction (LCI)?

  • It helps the teacher to engage the students to participate in their own education giving them some

control over learning processes, helping students take more reponsabilities and initiative where students  become to self- confident, self-directed and proactive. 2. What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

  • Teacher as facilitator helping and guiding students access

information, interpret, organize and use knowledge to solve problems. 3. Explain the 4 key principles of student centered learning.

  • Learning is personalized: Students are active participants in their learning
  • Learning is competency- based. Students construct new knowledge and skills
  • Learning happens anytime, anywhere: They themselves make decisions about what they will

learn and how.

  • Students Take ownership. Students monitoring their own learning, learning  in an active way.
Learner centered app
  • 1
  • Students are placed as the object of study, will be active and responsable

participants in their own learning.

  • They themselves make decisions about what they

will learn and how.

  • Learners construct new knowledge and skills and

monitoring they own learning.

  • 2
  • Students choose: to work together, independently, where to sit.
  • Face to face interaction and assign roles
  • The effective teaching and  learning is cognitive, constructive and cooperative.
  • Students to learn from experience, activities and

work in all aspects physical, mental emotional, social and intelectual.

  • 3
  • Builds students- teacher relationships
  • Interactions are multi-directional (learner-

teacher; learner-learner, teacher- learner)


Now, society needs people love their work and create new strategies to get better things. It's impossible to think that teacher is only an instructor

he/ she needs to be a friend, innovator and creator. Our purpose as a teacher is to all students:

  • To be excel in the things that they like,
  • To motivate to be engaged of learning,
  • To create strategies to solve problems
  • To be cooperative in learning process
  • To know and develop skills
  • To encourage to be responsible of learning process
  • To improve through feedback or update
  • To create interest and challeges in students (by Ma.Leonela Pincay)

New Learning Process

Ela Jazmin Lamas Ontaneda

Enseñanza- aprendizaje

Reflection about the video

The video invites teachers to reflect about our work in class.  Is very important that most of teachers have conscience that the world has change it´s not the same from some years ago. It requires prepared people for life.

What is learner centered instruction (LCI)?

Learner centered instruction is a set of techniques and methodologies used by the teacher, focus on the learner and the learning process.

What is the main role of the teacher in LCI?

The role of the teacher is to get students ownership of learning through a set of carefully planning techniques by the teacher, where the students can be part of the teaching-learning process.

Explain the 4 key principles of student centered learning.

The first principle is based on a personalized learning were student develop his/her cognitive skills and interests into the learning process, through the teacher´s motivation.

The second principle is based on the competence where the teacher provides students opportunities to learn independently or in a cooperative learning.

The third principle demonstrates that the learning can happen anytime, anywhere. Students learn all time but depends on the teacher plans the activities to work in a success environment.

The fourth principle encourages students to take ownership of their learning. Here students are able to solve problems, answer questions, formulate questions, and make oral presentations, discus, make essays and others during the class.
